Friday, March 18, 2011

...can we talk about the fact that i have a blog?

i seriously tried to avoid starting a blog. ...they are weird.

but, so am i.

so, here we are.

i think for this to work, we all need to acknowledge and accept that this is basically a self-indulgent venue for me to give my sassy opinions about anything and everything. i will have guest bloggers from time to time, and really hope y'all like it.

i am going to try my best to keep it light, to not offend, and to hopefully make you laugh a little. just as a disclaimer, about 90% of what i say is completely sarcastic. also, about 99% of what i say is me trying to be clever and/or funny, and some jokes work better than others. get involved, and call me out if it don't like something you see.

also, everything i post on this blog is my personal opinion. all the pictures and youtube videos are totally copied from the internets, and i don't own them at all. no one sue me please.

ready? let's do this thang.